7 min readMay 16, 2021


Goodbye and Good Luck, Mr. Frank — finale

“There are about 30 million of us who are at the top of the country, who is sucking the wealth out of the 440 million of the mid-class, who have been responsible for creating and producing to raise the top 30 million and the bottom 1 billion of the majority.” He specified.

Looks like that Mr. Frank had done some math while he was away for the last three weeks!

Different from previous times, this time he seems to be more anxious as if the imminent danger that he has been warning us about in the last two months is already chasing his tail to arrive tomorrow. We must act now to avoid the fast-approaching catastrophe.

What’s different from previous times also is the fact that he made specific predictions and offered concrete plans to first escape and second to rebuild the country afterward.

“At this point, the 440 million are no longer able to sustain such huge burden, because this population is aging and shrinking at an amazing speed. The great leader has already driven the humongous train backward for too long to turn back. Therefore, the country is going to fall apart soon. There will be a severe lack of food for the bottom 1 billion. They are going to fight for whatever they could reach to survive. You guys should now move to Shenyang, if you are from the Northern part of China; to Hongkong, Shenzhen, or Shanghai, if from South and the rest of the country.” He then provided a detailed geopolitical analysis to justify the above suggestions.

“At this very moment we are speaking, there are about 200 thousand well-equipped soldiers being trained at the border between China (East Turkmenistan) and Turkmenistan. They are ready to be deployed to fight for the CCP!” he continued with this warning. “We must start thinking about strategies to rebuild our country after the disaster.”

These statements stimulated numerous questions from his new audience. “What we ordinary ppl could do in the meantime to stop or avoid this disaster?” “Where should we do with our money?” “Should we start store food now?”…

“It would be disastrous when ppl start to fight against each other. It could occur within our lifetime, say around 2030 and no later than 2050.” he again gave a narrow window after being pushed by a questioner.

He, our beloved brother Frank, is spreading a huge fear, on the CH!

“Historians are researchers of historical events but not predictors of human societies.” What Mr. Frank has said argues against this statement of Professor Qin.

I thus reserve my right not to worry about the impending danger.

Although, I am willing to overlook his blindspots, flaws, and knowledge gaps, to follow him around whenever he comes on the CH!

Thanks to the on and off cell phone signal while walking around the city of San Antonio, I could hardly hear him very well. With the kids running around me, I also could not find chances to ask him sensible questions to loosen up a bit of the intense atmosphere in his room like I usually do.

Finally, this energetic man had talked for a whole 10 hours nonstop on that day. Then he deactivated his CH account and disappeared, once again.

By this time, I was getting used to his pattern of getting off and on the CH and able to predict that he wouldn’t stay away from the App for long. Particularly for something that he has invested for a good 10 hours, he must have planned something more.

Lo and behold, he showed up again the next day with an important announcement, “I found that our rooms are usually as big as other popular rooms. I am happy to see people who are on both sides, the Nationalists and the Liberalists, gathering here peacefully. The very fact that you guys don’t fight against one and another in our rooms indicates that we are all decent people. Thus, to take the advantage of our kindness, I have created a new club that I named “P.D.R.T. or Post-Disaster Rebuild/Reconstruction Thinktank.” In this new club, I put a link to the united nations’ foodbank, so that we can donate to this food bank to help fight hunger in the world.”

Following that important announcement and another few hours of lectures, he again deactivated his account and disappeared.

In the next few weeks, Frank has been showing up on the CH almost daily. Along with his increased popularity comes my decreased opportunity of asking him questions. His other old fans are also slowly shied away. Some of us have also adopted his way of getting on and off the App by reactivating and deactivating our CH accounts.

Just when I got used to this new pattern of his coming on the CH daily, he made me sad again.

It was the day before yesterday, I saw his room entitled [Rest between classes, music for 59 min]. After hesitated a little, I joined others in his room.

As usual, as soon as I joined in, I got an invite from him to get on the speaker’s stage. However, I had decided not to accept his invitation as I wished to deal with some work-related emails and thought I could join the speakers at the end of the music play. Unfortunately, after only a few minutes or so, the music stopped and I heard, “Wish you all have a wonderful day!”

The room ended and he was gone.

No one had a chance to speak a single word.

Well, I was a bit surprised by his unusual behavior but decided to get some work done first, imagining there would always be another day anyway.

After exactly 24 hours later, I noticed a new room named [“…why after having lived for more than 40 years, still floating and sinking in the ppl sea (meaning struggling to survive)…” /how to accept oneself’s mediocrity peacefully?]

I thought to myself, now we are talking, he is ready to admit that he is real.

Not so fast!

After joining his room, I did not receive an invite from him to get up there to the speaker’s stage, and strangely also, he was alone up there on the speaker’s stage. It looked so sad that he was there all by himself playing some sad music. What a lonely soul! What was he going to do this time? Was he sad to see himself just as good as, or even less accomplished than, any other of his listeners?

“Bro Frank unfollowed every one of us again.” someone pointed out in the telegram group at which we, the fans of Mr. Frank, usually chat.

“His new ID image has a man holding a suitcase in the airport.” someone else analyzed.

I smelled something wrong, as he was quite sad ever since the “incident” between him and Lao Lei — a story for another day.

After only a few minutes, the music stopped, the room ended, and he was gone.

“Damn, how long he would stay away from us this time, I was so determined to talk to him today.” I felt sorry for myself for not raising my hand sooner to say hello to him.

I regret also as I had rejected many invitations from him in the past few days, in spite of my intention of giving the chance to other questioners.

I took his suddenly ending his room, unfollowing all his fans, as well as immediately departing the App as indicative of his possible unstable mental state. I thought that I was such an ass for not providing a hand when he needed one!

Not sure how many days he would leave the CH this time, but regardless of whether he comes back to the CH tomorrow or three weeks later, I only wish to say to him:

Good luck and goodbye, Mr. Frank.


So what I would say if I was up there on the speaker’s stage, you asked?

I would have told him that he is far from being mediocre, of course.

True, he is no doubt one of the smartest, most talented, and most attractive speakers that I have come across in the CH, or maybe even in real life — although I may ask him to get to the point whenever he opens his mouth. He not only appears to be broadly read, well-educated, and richly lived, but also demonstrates a superb capacity to grasp, synthesize, and extract the most important information to deliver to others, in a way that is easy to be taken in, echoed, and even persuaded.

It would not surprise me that he is someone who lives with a heavy mask. It would not be impossible that is one of the chosen ones by the CCP for future leaders. He might have never had the luxury to use his birth name to go anywhere. He might have lived his life with several identities, thus, he himself does not know exactly which one is his true figure at times. It seems that he often is unable to touch his own soul. It is also not impossible that he has been in a constant struggle serving between the CCP or the ppl, all his life long.

Of course, most of all, he must remain unavailable and inaccessible to just about everyone around him.

Regardless of who Mr. Frank is, we can’t deny the fact that he has already successfully gathered a large group of followers. He has already created three clubs and two of which have already a total of 2K members plus hundreds of additional followers. He even started a third club named “A Home for Civilized Global Chinese Users.”

The problem is, however, he rarely starts his chat rooms within any of these three clubs. One would wonder why he bothers to create only to abandon them.


So what do you know of him? Care to share by leaving some comments below?

